Friday, April 1, 2011

listen well to conversation

Before I start, I have a love/hate relationship with April Fools day. I love how my dad gets so into it and it's so exciting to see what new pranks he'll come up with every year.  Some of his pranks include carameled onions, setting off the fire alarm, vinegar in water bottles... yeah. He's hilarious. So this morning my little sister woke me up and made me go upstairs with her just in case he did something scary. Well, we found this in the bathroom....

In case you can't tell, he took out the lightbulbs and replaced them with green scary ones and had a man hanging there. It was scary and hilarious.

Anyways, it hasn't been that long since I blogged but it feels like it. 
Here's my life this last month.....

I turned 21
met my baby nephew, Eli
ran twenty miles with my sis Rach
took a chill pill and calmed down with wedding plans so I can enjoy being engaged to my best friend
chaperoned prom with Matt which was fun and reminded me of being at prom with him 3 years ago
went to the lady gaga concert... I know, she's crazy.
been missing all of my family like crazy :(
work work work
studying and praying I'll pass my statistics class
getting really really excited to go to the temple (side note, I had a HORRIBLE dream about the temple. It started wonderful with me and my entire family and my Matt in the temple and I was so happy. Then I found out the church was still practicing polygamy and my dad and brothers both had a hidden secret wife. It was awful)
loving the warm weather that we've experienced the last 2 days
never ending feelings of gratitude for my Heavenly Father for the blessings I have

Happy April everyone! Hope it's a good month. And enjoy the upcoming general conference!!

(here are a couple of pics from the last month)


  1. your life is awesome!!! i am so impressed that you ran 20 the heck did you do that?! and i am so jealous that you got to see gaga!

    oh and one more thing...your dad is adorable doing that :)

    love you!

  2. woha i'm so proud of you! 20 miles that's so amazing. hang in there for school and don't get over stressed about anything. you look great, can't wait to see ya. loves

  3. I still cannot believe you ran TWENTY MILES! Holy cow. You're hard core.

    And PS, I had scary dreams about the temple too. But it's so great, no need to worry!
