Sunday, February 20, 2011

I need a second to breath

My life seems to be going a million miles a minute right now. Everything has been so crazy busy lately I feel a little overwhelmed. Being engaged is actually a lot of fun but I had no idea how much has to go into planning a wedding. I have this perfect wedding in my head but it's just a matter of actually executing it and getting it all done. And besides all of that, I get so stressed when I think about life after the wedding. Insurance, bills, being an actual adult. Scary stuff. Now if wedding planning was all I had to worry about I wouldn't be TOO overwhelmed. But I still have school and work and trying to spend time with Matt that isn't all about wedding planning because I know it's not his favorite. Then I don't want to lose my other relationships like my friendships and my time that I spend with my family. Also, Rachel and I have been running like mad women. We've gotten up to 14 miles!! Which surprisingly wasn't so bad. Some people might think that's crazy but I'm actually really grateful for Rachel for keeping me running because when I run consistently I feel like I have some sort of control over my life and it relives a lot of my stress. I'm not writing this post as a way to complain. I'm actually happier than I have ever been. But it's sometimes just nice to write and write about anything that's going on in my life. I know that all you who ever read my blog would laugh at me because I know your lives are a whole lot crazier than mine. I mean I don't have kids to worry about. I don't have to support a husband through medical school or go to law school or work with crazy people at a dentists office. I'm not pregnant or holding a bunch of church callings or taking care of a brand new baby. In fact now that I'm writing all of those things that could make my life THAT much more crazy I'm pretty grateful for the amount of crazy that I have now. But still, my life feels pretty crazy.
On a side note, have any of you ever played just dance 2 on the wii? If not, I would HIGHLY recommend it. I'm not big on video games but lately I've found myself wanting to do nothing but just dance all day and all night. I've even had a dream or two about it.
Through all of the craziness I am very grateful for the consistent things I can always count on. The love and support from a wonderful family and fiance and the guidance, love, and support from my dear Heavenly Father and Savior. I've really got nothing to complain about.


  1. planning my wedding was the most stressful thing i have ever done. no joke. i didn't get a lot of what i wanted at my wedding and while i didn't mind it on my wedding day i really regret it now. don't let anyone convince you to do things differently than YOU want!! and make sure you LOVE your dress. i "liked" mine and regret it now. phew. sorry i am writing a lot. but good luck! you will be great and you will be married before you know it!

  2. Planning a wedding is stressful but SO fun. Just enjoy the process, like I know you are. Plus life after the wedding is a little funny, being a grown up, but it is a step that is a joy to make. It's all part of the plan. I don't feel like the phase of life I'm in is more stressful than what you are going through, just different. You are always inspiring me to look at the positive in things and thank our Father in Heaven for it all. Love you.

  3. Angie blog some more about what's going on with school and your wedding!
